Monthly Archives: September 2015

Know Your Customer First, Then Grow Your Business

Know your customer first, before anything else, is the best way to grow your business.  So many business owners know their business or trade, but do they truly know their customers?  To know your customer or clients is the only way to ensure your business is providing the right products and services they really need.  [...]

By |2017-06-28T11:17:41-05:00September 29th, 2015|Business Marketing, Business Signs, Retail Signs|Comments Off on Know Your Customer First, Then Grow Your Business

Is Church Marketing a Sin?

Church Marketing, it’s a controversial topic:  Should a church advertise?  More and more Church leaders are of the mindset that, like a business, it should market itself to increase its outreach.  An equal number of respected Church leaders feel that if the message is of God, then the membership will rise of its own accord.  [...]

By |2017-06-28T11:17:41-05:00September 27th, 2015|Church Signs, LED Church Signs|Comments Off on Is Church Marketing a Sin?

The Struggles of Marketing an American Small Business

An American small business holds so much opportunity for those who strike out on their own to live the American dream.  All of us have dreamed of owning our own company and to work in a field we are passionate about while gaining financial freedom.  Building upon an idea and bringing your special values to [...]

By |2017-06-28T11:17:41-05:00September 13th, 2015|Business Marketing, Business Signs, Retail Signs|Comments Off on The Struggles of Marketing an American Small Business

Why Does Your Church Need A Lighted Outdoor Church Sign?

According to recent industry estimates, there are over 9,000 churches in the greater Houston area.  With so many places to worship, churches with a noticeable lighted outdoor church sign are better suited to impact the thousands of drivers passing by. Lighted outdoor signs include marquee church signs, full color LED digital church signage and even [...]

By |2017-06-28T11:17:42-05:00September 9th, 2015|Church Signs, LED Church Signs|Comments Off on Why Does Your Church Need A Lighted Outdoor Church Sign?

Is a Business Sign Really All That Important?

Here’s a little story that will show how important a business sign really is to a business.  Recently I was looking for a barber shop in my neighborhood.  I’ve lived here for almost three years, and the same barber has cut my hair the entire time.  Unfortunately, when I went to his shop I found [...]

By |2017-06-28T11:17:42-05:00September 8th, 2015|Business Marketing, Business Signs, Retail Signs|Comments Off on Is a Business Sign Really All That Important?

How to Make Money with LED Billboards

How to make money with LED billboards is something everyone who is familiar with digital billboards and LED signs has asked themselves. Making money with an LED sign is quite simple actually. If you own a business or location where you can install an LED sign, you have a great opportunity to make more money [...]

By |2021-07-25T18:30:56-05:00September 1st, 2015|Business Signs, LED Bilboards, LED Signs|Comments Off on How to Make Money with LED Billboards
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